Steeve Bauras
Mauricio Sanhueza
Stuart Pound
Stuart Pound agreed to screen the two films made by Steeve Bauras and Mauricio Sanhueza, and to react with his own films, in order to put together a programme for which he has chosen the title. Two of his films being presented also used found footage, one of the recurrent principles of experimental film, based on borrowing, quotation, appropriation and hijacking. On the other hand, the music used in the third is part of the almost hallucinatory atmosphere of the altered mental states at work in the two films of Steeve Bauras and Mauricio Sanhueza.
Steeve Bauras
3K Project, 2013, 7 mn 30
3K has its origins in a latent societal reality. This sequence of Shock Corridor made in 1963 by Samuel Fuller introduces an absurd situation. This work is the beginning of a line of thinking about “intra-community racism”. Even if this project cannot be credited with any moral. Gradually, “thanks to skateboards”, the reality occupied in this context is contaminated by a discourse. The city is metamorphosed into a hunting ground. The skateboards seem menacing, just like the discourse which seems to spread like a scourge. SB
Mauricio Sanhueza
Do You Smell That ?, 2014, 2 mn 15
In July 2012 Peru regained its former distinction as the world’s top cocaine producer, according to an annual White House report that says Colombia’s output fell sharply in 2011, putting the former leader in third place behind Bolivia. The White House report estimates Peruvian cocaine production was 358 tons, followed by Bolivia with 292 tons and Colombia at 215 tons.This project is a video remix. I take footage and clips from different sources like Internet, home videos and DVD’s to make something new. For this video I took well known movie clips and combined it with the video trailer’s audio about Peru as an exotic tourist destination made by the Peruvian Government. In this particular case the video is a sarcastic way to tell the viewer about the sense of smell and the connection of snorting cocaine for fun without knowing the violence and death that leads with it. So there is nothing wrong with your computer or TV screen, the aesthetics of the video is by choice. MS
Stuart Pound
Hopeless, 2014, 3 mn 15
Pandora’s Box and unrequited love with Louise Brooks. Music by Evangelista. The starting point for Hopeless is a song of the same title, recorded by the group Evangelista. The song is about an impossible love for Louise Brooks, impossible because she died in 1984. I liked its energy and humour. I downloaded a section from G.W. Pabst’s film Pandora’s Box (1929), together with a number of publicity shots of the star, and re-worked them to accompany the song. SP
Stuart Pound
Chase, 2012, 9 mn 26
A famous Schwarzenegger chase sequence is literally turned on its side, four times over with a slight time delay between each panel. The audio track is cut along with the moving image to give a reverberating sound. The colour of the original is mostly changed to high contrast black and white negative so that the work has a manga-like appearance. Colour returns at moments of high drama. SP
Stuart Pound
Les Barricades Mystérieuses, 2010, 2 mn 36
In this work the soundtrack, François Couperin’s Les Barricades Mystérieuses, directs the image. The numbers which run vertically down the right side of the screen are the time-code and duration of the piece. The loudness of each note struck on the harpsichord is linked to the size and superimposition of the unfolding numbers. SP