Carte blanche to BERTRAND DEZOTEUX 1
I met Antoine Belot, Etienne Kawczak-Wirz and Stanislas Paruzel in the early 2010s, when they were students at the Ecole Supérieure d’Art Pays Basque. We stayed in touch, out of affinity, sharing a common concern: giving form to the present through complex technologies, finding the stuff for creating contemporary narratives in digital modeling tools. The films presented here reveal unstable and grotesque worlds, threatened with collapse, labyrinths of images where air is in short supply. They are an illustration of daydreams, kinds of simulated mental landscapes which attest to a special relation to the forces of nature.
Bertrand Dezoteux
​Carte Blanche Bertrand Dezoteux 1
Bertrand Dezoteux
« Superkingdom », 2017, 12 min 40 s
Production : Palais de Tokyo
“Superkingdom" describes the gruelling route of a Deliveroo delivery man through a planet filled with figures inspired by the surrealist world of the Austrian sculptor Bruno Gironcoli. He takes a meal to an impotent, obese character on the verge of hypoglycaemia. In the form of a Ubuesque fable, the source of this narrative lies in “L’univers bacterial” [“Microcosmos ”] by Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, a work of scientific popularization which describes the vital interactions and the cooperation existing between the tiniest elements of the living world.
Lionel Balouin.
A interview with Bertrand Dezoteux about the series « Harmonie », 2018, is available on the Blog
Stanislas Paruzel
« Landes of Tornado », 2018, 7 min 55
Stanislas Paruzel’s fictions combine both mythological elements and different forms of representation. By way of mythological elements, we hear, in the broad sense of the term, accepted narrative motifs; as for the difference in the forms of representation, this is established in particular between the filming using real actors and the making of synthetic images.
For example, the artist’s latest video clearly borrows the scarecrow figure from the Wizard of Oz, but the crows harassing him come rather from Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, so alarming and numerous are they, while the whirlwind that then sweeps him up into the sky is like the one in the Wizard of Oz, in disorder, because this latter whirlwind carries away the heroine and her dog, beyond her native Kansas. [...]
Joseph Mouton