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L'esprit de la forêt

Wanting and wishing the death of someone, having a meeting, seeing a curious figure appear, and surprising a lumberjack at work...

Ombeline de la Gournerie

Kerloster, 2017, 25 mn 28

production : Luce Grosjean - Sève Films

In a village in Finisterre lives Baptiste, 15 years old, with his brother and his sister. His days are punctuated by working in the fields, services rendered to people round about, and his escapades in the forest. One day a little girl asks him to help her avenge her mother who has suddenly died. OdlG

Louise Deltrieux

Summer Already, 2016, 14 mn 16

« Summer Already » is a short film featuring the encounter between two young people in the wilderness, in an understated and intimate post-apocalyptic atmosphere. Wendy meets Peter. They spend a day together, wandering in the forest, before setting up for the night in an old school bus. We gradually figure out that something happened, and that Peter and Wendy are roving survivors. LD

Raphaël Bariatti-Veillon

Arabbit, 2017, 5 mn 35

Production : Erik Popolöff

Somewhere between waking dream and the quest for another “I”, Zee tries to reveal the presence of Arabbit... a mysterious rabbit-man. This highly polished and poetic world — though imbued with a disquieting lulled strangeness-- is inspired by the work of Axel van der Waal, a Lille artist, through its themes (cycles, repetition, animality) and its visuals. In it, Axel van der Waal plays the part of Zee, a human character, while Arabbit comes to life under one of the “heads” which form the artist’s visual work. RB-V

Manon Simons

Labor, 2016, 3 mn 30

Labor: exhausting work, pain, even suffering, but also falling and collapse. These three ideas are brought together in this video which presents a lumberjack at work, felling trees, a task as real as it is metaphorical. Suggesting a look, sketching a movement and the first words of a narrative: my praxis is defined above all by the paths it leaves open to interpretation. A story, a project, there’s always somewhere to start. But the sequel is moving, it varies with everyone. MS

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