online video
This is a kind of reversal between false wolves and real ones, who are in captivity and domesticated.
OPJ Cyganek + Julie Poulain
Base carrée
2016, 5 mn 21
Réalisée lors d’une résidence artistique au lycée agricole du Chesnoy à Amilly (45)
During a residency at an agricultural school, we tried to rekindle certain places in that establishment, including the sheepfold. In this video, we walk through the ewes’ enclosure, with a basic, square step, somewhere between a military march and a dance step. The ewes, who are at once spectators of and partners in our advance, introduce the shade of meaning necessary to transform this cold, stiff movement into an absurd stroll. OPJ & JP
Julie Chaffort
Meute II
2016, 2 mn 34
A pack of wolves discovers a stuffed kid goat. JC
Julie Chaffort
2014, 1 mn 30
Production Zébra3 / Centre Clark
Three dogs listen to wolves howling by way of a vinyl disk. JC
Tommaso Donati
2015, 16 mn
A homeless woman shares her life with her dog; after the dog runs away, she gets lost as she follows the animal; at the same time, the gestures of a watchman in a prehistoric museum are repeated as they are every day. Brought together by the same primary need, the woman, the man, and the animal cross paths and move about in search of something loftier. TD
Louise Deltrieux
2015, 25 mn
Gary Allan is a retired probation officer. He lives in Sointule, the only village on Malcolm Island, an island with a population of 500, north of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia (Canada). Gary loves wolves. So he has quite naturally come by four life companions: Tundra, Meshach, Nahanni, and Mahikan. On the island, people call him “Wolfman”. LD