Carte blanche to BERTRAND DEZOTEUX 2
I met Antoine Belot & Etienne Kawczak-Wirz in the early 2010s, when they were students at the Ecole Supérieure d’Art Pays Basque. We stayed in touch, out of affinity, sharing a common concern: giving form to the present through complex technologies, finding the stuff for creating contemporary narratives in digital modeling tools. The films presented here reveal unstable and grotesque worlds, threatened with collapse, labyrinths of images where air is in short supply. They are an illustration of daydreams, kinds of simulated mental landscapes which attest to a special relation to the forces of nature.
Bertrand Dezoteux
A interview with Bertrand Dezoteux about the series « Harmonie », 2018, is available on the Blog
Carte Blanche Bertrand Dezoteux 2
Étienne Kawczak-Wirz
" Voie sans issue #2 ”/ "Dead End #2 ", 2018, 11 mn 24
“ Voie sans issue #2 ” / " Dead End #2 " is a 3D animated sequence shot which very slowly distils different elements making a form of mythology. A collection of ordinary, decorative objects is put together. A subjective camera invites the viewer to walk through several rooms in succession, where various mysterious events are taking place. They are sorts of three-dimensional still lifes, somewhere between memorial, theatre sets, and a museum. For me, this work represents an attempt to organize part of the unconscious chaos (collective and personal unconscious) in which major and minor histories intermingle. These composite pieces, which have the function of vanitas still lifes, are kept an eye on by a sort of archivist in pyjamas who looks as if he is capable of acting on the elements around him. Here, I am trying to stage certain mechanisms of memory and, in particular, those which occur during our sleep: dreams/nightmares, things buried, revelations.
Antoine Belot
“" L’apnéiste ” / " The Free Diver ", 2018, 12 mn
In partenariat with le Centre d’Art Nomade, PP architecture et Eiffage.
“ L’apnéiste ” / " The Free Diver " came into being after an invitation made by the Nomadic Art Centre in the Toulouse City Hall. The exhibition was held on the site of the future Mama Shelter (once a theatre of novelties). As the only living being in an architecture inspired by deep-diving pools, the free-diver has no language. He incarnates a primitive state of existence. The nature of the world he lives in seems to him to be quite strange, and forces him to explore. Is his existence the prison he dreads ?
Antoine Belot et Étienne Kawczak-Wirz
« Hringvegur », 2019, 10 min 40